Friday, May 15, 2009

Summer Vacation

School is almost out for the summer! I have finals next week and then I am done. Well until next year anyway. I have a bunch of tests. For Intro to Literature I have to write an essay on a book we read. The Algebra 2 test is over everything we have learned this year (uhh). And my Spanish final is going to be hard. Very hard considering the teacher doesn't speak Spanish and hasn't taught us anything but expects us to know it anyway. Okay so maybe not so many tests but they are all going to be really hard so it seems like a lot.

I am so excited for this summer vacation to start. Me and Jenna are going to this three week intensive acting camp. It is from 9-5 every day and at the end we will be preforming Grses 5 times. I can't wait. We are also going to the lake with friends for a few nights on labor day weekend and also on the fourth of july. That is going to be a lot of fun. We are also probably going camping in our trailer. I am going to be going to my Grandmother's house for a week, which I love doing. We aren't taking any big trips like we have done in the past but this summer is still going to be great.

I will also get together with friends, swim, hang out with the family and all that. But as always summer vacation will probably go by way too fast.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have had a Major Migraine for the past two and a half weeks. And yes, I know I capitalized it, it is that bad. I haven't been able to drive because my vision has been really bad. I feel awful, terrible, horrible, indescribable pain.

For those of you who don't get migraines let me put it like this: I would rather someone rip off my leg then throw me into shark infested waters to be eaten alive. I would rather be struck by lighting, fall off a cliff, get attacked by a wild bear, and be forced to kiss a rotting fish filled with maggots. All in the same day. Every day for the rest of my life. That would be amazingly great compared to this torcher.

On another note I am starting a new diet tomorrow. This one isn't working at all. This time I am trying one called MadiFast. It is a mostly liquid and prepared meals diet and is supposed to work fast. I hope it does because I would like to look great by the time school startes again. I can't beleive I am going to be a senior next year. That is crazy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


First off, I got my walking cast off. So I can walk now without assistance from a cast or crutches. My ankle still hurts but it is getting better.

My most exciting news also involves my ankle. But this time it is my left ankle. I got a tattoo! It is a really small black star. Just the outline and I love it. It is so cute!

When I went to get it I was really nervous and thought it was going to hurt like driving a nail through my foot. But it didn't really hurt at all. It felt like someone was drawing on me with a pen and just pushing kind of hard. The most painful part was not actually getting it but afterward. For about an hour it stung kind of like a sunburn. But now it doesn't hurt at all.

At the tattooing place they also had piercing. Jenna (my sister) wanted to get her bellybutton pierced. My mom was about to cave and let her but it turns out that you have to be at least 15. And have your photo ID, birth certificate, and parents ID which we didn't bring. Personally I think it looks kind of cute if you have the right body. 

I am so excited about my tattoo and can't wait for everyone to see it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

5th Times the Charm?

Well, last night I was walking down the stairs and I tripped. I fell on my ankle and it twisted under me as I fell down several stairs. I heard a loud crack as I went down. It hurt really bad so I had to go to the emergency room because I thought I had broken it again. We were there for a long time. We didn't get home until 1 in the morning. 

So this morning my dad woke me up at 9 and said we had to go to the foot doctor. I had to get ready really quick cause we had leave in like 5 minutes. So anyway I was really tired since I didn't get a lot of sleep. The doctor looked at my x-rays and it turns out I tore the ligaments in my ankle and fractured it. This is the fifth time I have broken it. I did manage to get through 2008 without breaking it but I have broken it in 04, 05, 06, 07 and now 09. This sucks!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Good and the Bad

Well I had to get my allergy shots today. I hate getting them but I have to every week. Anyway there are several nurses that work up at the doctor's office and two of them are always on the phones acting as secretaries. So this other lady has given me my shots the last couple of times. I have to get two shots, one in each arm. She always gives the the shots in the wrong arms. So the one that is supposed to go in my left arm stings and burns a lot and she put it in my right arm. It got swollen and hurts really bad right now. Hopefully it will get better over the next couple of days.

On another note, I got some really cute boots today (pictured above). They are by Steve Madden and I found them on sale for $90 when originally they were $160. Gotta love saving money! I was able to get them in a 6 (I usually wear a 5 1/2) and they fit great. They are really comfortable and I love them.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rodeo Madness

Well we got to go the the rodeo yesterday. My dad, me and Meghann got there at about 3 and Mom, Janna and Jenna's friend Natalie came a little later. Me and Meghann went to the carnival and rode some rides first. It was cold outside (well, as cold as it gets in Texas) and there weren't a lot of people there. There weren't any lines at the rides and we got to go on a bunch them, some that I hadn't been on before. We had a lot of fun.

After about 45 minutes we decided to get some corn dogs and fries and go watch the pig races that started at 4. They were so cute and one of them was running to fast around a corner and slipped. We checked out the petting zoo too. They had goats, deer, a couple sheep, a donkey and a llama and her baby.

The highlight of the night was when Jenna and Natalie got lost. They were supposed to meet us at five and they didn't come and Jenna didn't answer her phone. Then a little later at about 6:30 my dad was walking around the midway trying to find them so we could go home. At about 7:30 Dad finally took me and Meg home and Mom stayed to look for Jenna. 

She had to eventually get the police involved when she couldn't find her. They were all searching around and finally found her and Natalie riding one of the rides. They were oblivious and didn't even realize everyone was looking for them. Jenna is so dingy sometimes. She hadn't even checked her phone or anything. In the end, it all worked out though.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rodeo or No Rodeo

My cousin Meghann is coming to visit me this weekend. She is coming today and leaving on Sunday. We are planning on going to the rodeo carnival if it isn't raining. The weather report says it is supposed to rain but I am hoping it doesn't. I really want to ride the Octopus, Ferris Wheel, Pharaoh's Fury, Breakdance, Tilt-A-Whirl, Tornado, UFO and all the other fun ones. 

If it does rain :( I guess we will have to do something else. Maybe see a movie or go shopping. Meghann got her license a couple months ago so now we can both drive, which is nice, since we can go places by ourselves now. My mother is very over-protective so she doesn't let me do a lot of stuff by myself. But now she is letting me do more.

Well, more about the rodeo carnival later. Hopefully I will get to go and can write about it later.